Normani: guide to streaming and buying

Find information here for how to contribute to helping Normani successfully perform on every charting platform.

Having premium streaming services has more weight than free streaming services so be sure to use free trials for premium services!
U.S. Residents, remember after the first day, focus on Apple Music and Spotify more so than Youtube because they have more weight when it comes to Billboard.

How to stream on Youtube

Log in into your Youtube account, subscribe to Normani's channel and search manually the Music Video. Make multiple accounts so you can use it in different browsers.

Watch the MV until the end at normal speed, volume up to 60% and good quality.

Wait 10 minutes to watch the MV again, in between watch other videos but not the same videos or in the same order.

When the MV ends, like it, leave a comment (don't spam or use the word "stream" on it) and share it directly from youtube to your friends, family and social media accounts so it can trend easily.

Watching the embedded MV on Facebook/Websites helps increase views along with streaming on youtube.

Do not skip ads or use Ad-Block
Do not use multiple tabs or incognito mode
Do not use playlists for the first 24 hours.
Do not mute the video.

Watch the full video before liking
Turn off autoplay
Always search the MV manually

How to stream on Spotify

Turn off autoplay (settings > playback), stream the whole song, do not advance or pause it.

Don't stream the song on repeat. Make multiple playlists with alternating songs. Switch playlists from time to time.

Share the link of the song on all social media so it can enter the Viral 50.

If you're streaming through a computer: volume always up to 50%. Do not mute Spotify, browser or device. If you're streaming through a cellphone: Volume may be at a minimum but never mute it. Make sure you're using a premium account.

Note: you can make multiple accounts to use on Spotify Web. Use free trials so you can have a premium account. You can also use multiple browsers, ex: Chrome, Safari, Mozila and incognito mode to maximize streams.

How to stream on Apple Music

Search for the song in Apple Music, add it to a playlist and alternate it with other songs in between.
Don't mute the playlists and stop them from time to time to avoid spam.
Note: If you bought the song already, you have to search the song in your library and remove it by clicking on the trash can then click delete from library.
A + sign needs to show on the side of the song. You have to delete it because purchased songs won't count as streams.

Billboard Hot 100

Reminder: you must live in U.S or have an U.S account

Buy the song through iTunes & Amazon Music. Max of 4 purchases per credit card per platform. You can create multiple accounts.

Gifting the song on iTunes DOES NOT count toward Billboard charts, so you must buy it!

Follow our streaming guides to stream the song through youtube, spotify, apple music, etc. Preferably use premium accounts, use free trials if need be.

Request the song to be played on your local radio station (U.S Residents only) and use Shazam while streaming to help make the song be heard on the radio more.

Share the song with friends, family and social media so they can buy and stream as well.

How to use Shazam

Download the Shazam app.

Play Normani's song from one of the recommended streaming platforms. Make sure your microphone and location are enabled.

Open the Shazam app and tap the logo to Shazam the song. You cannot use headphones.

Shazam will take a few seconds to recognize the song. After the song has been recognized, clear the app's data in your phone settings. Repeat these steps.

Radio Request

This is extremely important for Billboard charting.

Locate your local radio station and visit their website.

Call your local station's studio line, email/text/contact via request form.

Reach out to your local station via social media, but remember to avoid spam.
Comment on and message their Facebook
Comment on and DM their Instagram
Comment on and message their Twitter

NOTE: Most Requested Live is on Saturday's starting at 7PM EST and is the easiest way to request on Twitter.

Example of Most Requested Live comment/message bellow, make a variety of comments/messages to avoid spam:
"Hello @(radio/dj), I would love to hear Normani's song name by @Normani on #MostRequestedLive! Thank you."

How to buy on iTunes

If you're from the U.S. (meaning you have a U.S. address and U.S. based payment option), you can only purchase 4 per credit card per platform or they will not count toward Billboard charts. Please be prepared with 4 separate iTunes accounts and 4 separate Amazon accounts to use per card. If you have 2 credit cards, then make 8 accounts for each. You cannot buy the song multiple times on the same account. It's important to make multiple accounts to maximize pure sales. Note, if you have don't have an iPhone, but you have a laptop with iTunes capability, you can still purchase on iTunes via your laptop/computer, just make an account!

Como criar uma conta na ID Apple dos Estados Unidos:
Crie seu ID Apple
Insira as informações e, no campo “País/Região”, escolha “Estados Unidos”.
Preencha o restante das informações.
O mesmo processo vale para a criação de uma conta na Apple Music americana.
Caso exija endereço americano:
Address: 1 Apple Tree Ln
City: Cupertino
State: California
Zip Code: 95014
Phone Number: (408) 995-1010
Ou gere um endereço falso através desse site:

Como criar uma conta no Spotify dos Estados Unidos:
Necessário o uso de VPN para modificar o IP do seu dispositivo. TunnelBear, Zen Mate e Hola são ótimos programas para mudança de VPN.
Acesse e crie uma conta.
Após a criação, clique em “Editar conta”, em seguida, encontre as lacunas correspondente a País/ Região, escolha “Estados Unidos”, lembre-se que é necessário o VPN ativo durante todo processo.

Cómo crear una cuenta de Apple ID de Estados Unidos:

Ir a:
Crear tu ID de Apple
Ingresa la información y en el campo “País o Región” elige “Estados Unidos”.
Completa el resto de la información.

El mismo proceso se aplica para crear una cuenta de Apple Music estadounidense.

En caso de que necesites una dirección de EE. UU.:
Address: 1 Apple Tree Ln
City: Cupertino
State: California
Zip Code: 95014
Phone Number: (408) 995-1010
O utiliza este sitio para generar una dirección falsa:

Cómo crear una cuenta de Spotify de Estados Unidos:

Es necesario usar un VPN para modificar la IP de tu dispositivo. TunnelBear, Zen Mate y Hola son programas excelentes para esto.
Accede a y crea una cuenta.

Después de crearla, haz clic en "Editar cuenta". Luego, busca los espacios correspondientes a País/Región y elige "Estados Unidos" (recuerda que el VPN debe estar activo durante todo el proceso